August 19, 2018
"Whoever eats my body and drinks my blood remains in me" (John 6:56)
Every time we come to Mass we come together around the Table of the Lord that becomes the Table of Salvation. In the final part of chapter 6 of today's Gospel we read that "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me." This is more than a mere consolation but a challenge to lead a life according to Jesus. The three readings tell us about food, drinks and banquets. When summer is almost over, it is good to "look back" at our Family reunions this beautiful time of sun, beach and barbecues.. Somehow with our mind we can refresh those moments and they become a prayer of thanksgiving for all these celebrations of life. Just as the Book of Wisdom presents us with more than a simple summer dinner, the Body and Blood of Jesus offer us food and drink that lead us to Eternal Life. The book of Wisdom invites us to a better life in today's first reading. It invites us to a life that is transformed from one of ignorance and foolishness, to one of knowledge and understanding. It is interesting to see how Wisdom offers us a way to grow in understanding and in the desire to learn. It calls people from all over to partake in his banquet, even sending emissaries to places far and wide. As it is natural, people are free to accept or reject this invitation, but only those who accept it will gain in wisdom. Jesus also invites us to participate in his banquet. He himself is the one who freely gives himself in the Eucharist. The better life that Jesus promises us is the Eternal Life, "he who eats this bread will live forever." Just as the invitation in the book of Wisdom is for everyone, we are also all invited to the Table of Salvation. May our sharing as brothers and sisters around this Table make us aware of the needs of the poor and neglected, and that in breaking the Bread we may be given the strength to share more with the poor and needy.
Father Hernán, S.J.