January 25, 2021
Dear Parents, During these difficult times, we would like to thank you for entrusting your child’s sacramental preparation in our program of Religious Education. This is the time of the year where we provide you with an assessment of how your child is progressing. Please be advised that reports cards will be emailed to your child’s Religious Education email as follows: • If your child attends remote classes on Saturdays – 1/23/21 • If your child attends classes on Sundays – 1/24/21 • If your child attends classes on Wednesdays – 1/27/21 There will be no classes on these dates in order to facilitate remote meetings. However, attendance will be taken. Once you receive your child’s report card, we ask that you reply to the email confirming that you have received the report card. Additionally, parents are asked to check their child’s google classroom regarding information that will be posted on how their child’s teacher will be arranging for remote parent/teacher conferences. This is a great opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss your child’s progress. We look forward to seeing you then. God bless! United In Christ, Nina Velez-Lopez Director Religious Education