November 9, 2014
Today, the Church invites us to rejoice! Yes, in the midst of the Lenten season, we are
invited to suspend the solemnity of this season for a day in order for us to rejoice.
Why does the Church invite us to rejoice this Sunday? One reason is that this week
marks the midpoint of our Lenten journey. The time has passed quickly! How have we used this time? Have we taken advantage of the Lenten season to look honestly at our lives in order to assess how well we are living in relationship with God and with relationship with our brothers and sisters? Have we used the Lenten season to renew and strengthen our relationship to God?
Have we used the Lenten season to correct any areas that need correction in how we deal with other persons? Have we reconciled with persons from whom we are estranged? If not, have we let go of any anger or resentment we bear toward that person? Are we less judgmental? Are we more open to others – particularly those who are different from us in race, class or creed? At this midpoint of Lent, how is our relationship with God? How is our relationship with others?
A second reason to rejoice this Sunday is the message Jesus delivers in today’s Gospel.
“For God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” This is a good reason to rejoice! God has no interest in our condemnation.
God is only interested in our salvation. Ours is a God of life, not death. God wants all people to know the salvation that comes to us through the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Ultimately, it will not be God who condemns any person. We condemn ourselves when we fail to live in faithfulness to the life and teaching of Jesus. But given the great mercy of God, freely given, it is hard even for us to condemn ourselves. This is still more cause for rejoicing!
Let us use the remainder of this Lenten season to strengthen our relationship with God
and improve the way we relate to others. If we do this, then we will have even more reason to rejoice on Easter!