December 18, 2014
This is the Season of our Hope
This is the season of our hope, but for our hope to be realized we must grow in the spirit of Mary, mother of God and our mother as well.
What is the source or foundation of our Christian hope? It is our faith that God entered into human history in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. In his life, Jesus showed us the way of love that will ultimately prevail over evil, sin and death. We know that the love Jesus modeled for us will prevail over evil, sin and death because through his suffering, death and resurrection Jesus broke the power of evil, sin and death once for all. Life and love has triumphed over sin, evil and death. It is through this faith that we are able to persevere in the good in spite of the evil, sin and injustice that we encounter in our lives and in our world. It is not foolish or naïve for us to persevere in lives of love because our love can and does transform our world.
To persevere in this faith, we must have the attitude of Mary. When God asked her to be the mother of God’s only Son, Mary wrestled with what God was asking of her. But ultimately, Mary said “Yes” to God because her experience of God in her life and in the life of her people was such that it made sense for her to trust in God. With her “Yes,” Mary literally changed the course of human history. Every day we are asked by God to choose what is good, to do what is right, and to do what love and compassion requires. Every time that we say “Yes” to God, we help the reign of God to unfold in our world through our lives. We make present the love of God in our world and help move the world to its final victory over evil, sin and death. There are days when we may struggle with our “Yes” to God because it seems that evil, sin and death are winning, but we must trust in God as Mary did. And if we trust in God as Mary did, then we too will be instruments through whom God will transform our world.
In this sacred season, may we pray for the grace to say “Yes” to God and to accept all that our “Yes” demands of us in the confidence that our “Yes” transforms us and our world.