January 2, 2015
The Gospel story of the Epiphany is rich in significance and we should savor every detail of this extraordinary story.
The three magi from the East. They symbolized the racial diversity of the non-Jewish world. They anticipated the proclamation of the Gospel to all peoples. These three magi from the East symbolize the desire of God for all people to receive salvation. They also remind us that racism, or prejudice, is a grave sin because not only do we blaspheme the divine image in which each of us is created, but we also call into question God’s desire for the salvation of all people.
They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Jesus was the true king of God’s peoples hence the gift of gold. Jesus was also the High Priest of the people of God who offered himself to God as the perfect sacrifice that takes away all sins. Therefore, the incense symbolized his priesthood and the myrrh (the perfume with which the dead body of Jesus would be anointed) anticipated his death. The incense symbolized the continuous prayers that Jesus offered to his Father that rose before him like incense and symbolized the priesthood of Jesus Christ as he offered himself in sacrifice to his Father on the cross.
The magi do not return to Herod, but, instead, return to their own countries by another route thus thwarting the plans of Herod to kill Jesus. From the beginning of his life, Jesus faced opposition and that opposition only grew stronger as Jesus proclaimed a Gospel of radical love that was inclusive of all and forgiving of all. Jesus represented a real threat to the prevailing religious, social and political powers because his Gospel emphasized conformity to compassion before conformity to the law, and the need to place the justice of God before the justice of this world. And as Herod’s intent to find Jesus and kill him failed, so too have all efforts to thwart the unfolding of God’s reign in human history. A bet on Jesus is a safer bet than a bet on this world!
This great feast day gives us an opportunity for deep and rich reflection!